Office Hours
Monday - Thursday 8am to 5pm
Contactless service in the vestibule
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Winter Storm Tips!!


Thank you to our hard working road crew for the wonderful job they did (and are continuing to do) cleaning up this record breaking snow!!!  

During snow or ice events-Please stay off the roads and give our road crew time to clear the snow/ice! Be kind and patient with them, we have a small crew and during snow or ice events if needed they work round the clock to clear the roads and keep us safe. Give them a wave as they go by to let them know they are appreciated!

Help your neighbors and work together to clear your driveway, sidewalks, parking spots. Be sure to check on your elderly or handicapped neighbors and make sure they are safe and have the necessities.

If it is absolutely necessary for you to travel during a snow/ice event, please use extra caution and take an emergency bag with winter clothing such as boots, gloves, coats, hats, blankets, water, non-perishable snacks in case you get stuck and need to wait for help for a long period of time.

When shoveling out your driveway a little extra work the first time will keep you from having to do it again when the plow comes by.  The higher the snowfall amount the larger an area you will need to shovel out for the excess snow from the plow to go.  Please keep in mind that especially with snowfalls as high as this past record snowfall that nothing will completely eliminate snow from being deposited in front of your driveway, but it will keep it from getting completely blocked in by large amounts of heavy snow.

Mailboxes placed too close to the road can be a hazard for mail carriers, and can be knocked over by heavy amounts of snow.  While the township allows residents to place mailboxes in the township right of way as a courtesy, the township is not responsible for mailboxes.  Please click on the link to the US Postal website article on mailbox placement and designs that can help make it safer for your mail carrier and less likely that you will need to replace your mailbox after a heavy snow.

Stay home and stay safe whenever possible during snow/ice events!